[ECETI News] Are Chemtrails Killing Our Trees and Gardens?

[ECETI News] Are Chemtrails Killing Our Trees and Gardens?

This brings up the man called N. Tesla.


1. The Dying of the trees, By Charles E. Little, Penguin
2. NASA October 2005 Newsletter, Page 8 states, Clouds are the
largest variable controlling Earth’s atmospheric temperature
and climate. Any changes in global cloud cover may contribute
to long term changes in Earth’s Climate. Contrails, especially
persistent contrails, represent a human caused increase in
the earths cloudiness, and are likely to be affecting climate
and ultimately our natural resources NASA October2005.
3. Popular Science Magazine, November 2005, Can we stop storms.
4. Persistent jet contrails change our weather. We see it every
time we are blitzed by jets leaving persistent jet contrails
that soon cover Mendocino County skies with white haze and
man-made clouds This covering lowers daytime temperatures,
raises night temperatures, and also increases humidity in
Mendocino County as noted in historical research of weather,
rain fall, and humidity data in that area. The unusual lack
of freezing temperatures at night in the winter of 2005-2006
resulted in a fruit tree crop production loss. It is believed
that the lack of direct sunlight reaching the earth from
persistent jet contrails may have resulted in a reduction in
photosynthesis which has retarded native grasses from growing
normally as they would if direct sunlight were hitting the
earth and providing the energy that grass needs to grow.
( I wonder about this smoke haze In the Wood River Valley
and Stanely Basin, as well as up high as I was at 8,000ft
last week walking along a ridge 12 miles west of the
Sawtooth Wilderness in smoke haze, and guess what, this ridge
which I have
walked at least a hundred times over the last 39 years
used to be grass covered, now its not and the trees are
dead mostly along it.)
5. Chilling Accumulation: its Importance and Estimation.
6. January 18, 2006 Farm Bureau:
7. March 7, 2007 – Lawrence Livermore Laboratory: Crops Feeling
The Heat
8. the NASA / U.S. air force CRESS 1990 Press kit.
Evaluation of Air Pollutant Emissions from subsonic
Commercial jet air craft, U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency April 1999. Agriculture, Public Health, & Aircraft
Emmissions. ( I am up-grading their name to the NON
Environmental Protection Agency and the Corporate protection
10. Bee colony Collapse Disorder 2007 Could this new
phenomenon be attributed to some of our atmospheric tests –
Much as Navy Sonar can disrupt whales and dolphins, contrails
and Aerosols aka Chemtrails disrupt trees, plants, grasses,
wild weeds, and crops. Yes I believe it does and has for
years and we are seeing it first hand.
11. March 2007 Honey Bees
12. Worldwide Honey bee
Decline 2007 13. Redwood Trees Symptoms Mendocino County
14.Ukiah, California Common Tree Symptoms
15. Arizona Gallery of Sky Pictures
16.D How Do you Like Your Skies Natural or Man-Made
17, EPA Sites: One, Two.
18. Weather Warfare, Jerry E. Smith, HAARP, Jerry E.
Smith. Scientist and Physicist Jim Phelps, 30 years NASA
and HAARP, WhistleBlower. Jim McCanney 30+ years Physics,
PLASMA, HAARP, Weather Modification Warfare. Weather
bombing America.
19. http://educate-yourself.org/ct/ctpeanutbutterbariumsandwiches17apr02.shtml
The inventions researches and writings of NIKOLA TESLA,
those wonderful components in those world wide chemtrails
operations being sprayed by 36 countries via the United
Nations Open Skies Treaty including on American peoples
by our very own offices of Naval Intelligence. Well
double testing from three separate rain water and snow
samples from Chapel Hill, North Carolina were collected and
submitted for double-blind laboratory analyisis in March
2002. Tests were ordered for several elements which should
not be present in normal rain or snow, any where on the planet,
The result was devastating news about the health of our
eco-systems: all samples consistently revealed enough of
the following materials to indicate they were present in
the atmosphere in large amounts and concentrated form
through a very controlled delivery ( dispersion), primarily:
ALUMINUM and BARIUM. Excellent plan, it would be brilliant if
it weren’t so stupid, just what the Earth needs a man-made
metal canopy to screw with sunlight and heat. Thus no
weather data proclaiming man made global warming can be
trusted coming from that group of scientists being paid
to push a global agenda. Stop the weather manipulation
and we start to heal, and then we can re-work this fossil
fuels ruling elite as well, we have slept far to long and
allowed them far to much power, obviously they are STONED
OUT OF THEIR MINDS WITH POWER and selfish greed. Your
Political Parties need to be GUTTED and rebuilt, they are
in on this Knowledge. Of course as I have said before
they are one party pretending to be two, funny thing is
how obvious it is.
They are not Weather Gods, and WE THE PEOPLE OF THIS
NATION AND EARTH are not BUGS to be sprayed by LUNATICS.
Kinda sick and funny at the same time, the enviros want
to steal hunting from us and protect their wolf and claim
wolves will heal the eco-systems, maybe these duped
American traitors should get aluminum and Barium off
our planet and let hunters and predators alone, DOLTS.
The california governor’s office has requested a study
of these contrail and chemtrail events recently as
well, a link is here.
) Will local city, county, and state public servants
get off their arse’s and study this truth, or will they
cry, I’m to busy with my kids, and family, which is
a common excuse I hear from local servants, if child
rearing is interfering with TRUTH then they should go
home and raise the kids and let REAL Americans run
things again. Keep in mind this chemtrails spraying has
taken place under the last two Administrations, Clinton
and Bush, Yea, raise your fist and support your party
eh, folks.
UPDATED The proposal to disperse sulphur dioxide in
an attempt to reflect sunlight was again raised in a
London Guardian article this week entitled,
Geoengineering: The radical ideas to combat global
warming, in which Ken Caldeira, a leading climate
scientist based at the Carnegie Institution in
Stanford, California, promotes the idea of injecting
the atmosphere with aerosols.  One approach is to
insert scatterers into the stratosphere, states the
article. Caldeira cites an idea to deploy jumbo jets
into the upper atmosphere and deposit clouds of tiny
particles there, such as sulphur dioxide. Dispersing
around 1m tonnes of sulphur dioxide per year across
10m square kilometres of the atmosphere would be
enough to reflect away sufficient amounts of sunlight.
Experiments similar to Caldeira’s proposal are
already being carried out by U.S. government -backed
scientists, such as those at the U.S. Department of
Energy’s (DOE) Savannah River National Laboratory in
Aiken, S.C, who this year conducted studies which involved
shooting huge amounts of particulate matter, in this
case porous-walled glass microspheres, into the
stratosphere. The project, which reached its conclusion
this past April, is closely tied to an idea by
Nobel Prize winner Paul Crutzen, who proposed sending
aircraft 747s to dump huge quantities of sulfur
particles into the far-reaches of the stratosphere
to cool down the atmosphere.